Thursday, June 11, 2009

Favorite room number four

It's about the light, obviously, and the floor looking like a lake of milk is so beautiful.  There's not much to obscure the passage of light but plenty to reflect, capture, dematerialize, refract and to play with it.  Nothing hides in shadow. 

Photography by Coppi Barbieri.
Room from WoI March 2002.


  1. As opalescent as the moon in June, as milky white as a bowl of quivering creme fraiche, and as lustrous as a deep sea pearl...absolutely heavenly photo!

  2. This is a beautiful room - a true delight. Do you have other photos of it?

  3. I love that--"the floor looking like a lake of milk..." brilliant! It is really lovely, I love epoxy floors!

  4. Sorry Niki, that was really milk! Can't you tell.
