narcissus, lilies, and guttering candles are for me the dominant smells of the season and about right now, with eleven days to go to the actual day, I've had enough of them. I'm done with Christmas. I don't want to see another rosy-cheeked Santa, hear any more melismatic warbling, be suffocated by cinnamon fumes, watch another poor wailing child being dragged through the mall, walk into a tinsel-clad red-nosed plastic reindeer ... well, you get the point.
A short rant.
Blue-to my mind 2 completely different things-Christmas and Commercialized Xmas being the second. Stay out of the Mall! especially the scent of cinnamon synthetics-yuck. Get out my one personal tradition for Christmas and read-A Christmas Carol,the great oracle Dickens tells it like it is every year,best read by that guttering candle. A great slog of nog might help to, or scotch. GT
ReplyDeleteSo who's feeling testy today then?!I loathe the whole shooting match too.However I guess one should allow the christmassy nostalgia that pertains to individuals rather than the mounting festive competititveness/commercialisation. An English bishop recently advised people not to wish people Happy Christmas indiscriminately since times are hard. A trifle wet in the way bishops can be these days, but you can see his point.
ReplyDeleteBah humbug!
ReplyDeleteI have to agree...I have annoying christmas carols stuck in my head already from hearing them played over and over and over and over again....
ReplyDeleteWho can possibly get tired of giant blowup yard decorations? I do get the sneezes at the candle store and perfume counters. Food and the tree are the only odors I like at Christmas, especially the food.
ReplyDeleteI was hesitating whether or not I should post my own little rant-ette about Christmas, but your's has given the courage to do so. Vide mine of today!
ReplyDeleteTerry, you're right to take me to task - who can possibly get tired of giant blowup yard decorations? Really? The scent of Christmas food this year will be filling a New Jersey dining room rather than my own, that of friends I've known all my life on both sides of the Pond. That lovely resiny piney scent of the tree - I must go buy me a scented candle right now.
ReplyDeleteAnon, Rosie, L'lA, Columnist - thank you.
I no longer participate and honor the solstice instead. I particularly dislike the news reports of whether we spent enough to help the economy. It's usually given in the same tone as a sports story.