a small book I got from Father Christmas last year. If, like me, your Christmas begins on Christmas Eve and you like to prepare then I suggest this book will be good bedside reading for the coming days. In the meantime try this:
Old Testament Cake
4 1/2 cups 1 Kings IV 22
1 1/2 lb of Judges V 25
2 cups Jeremiah VI 20
2 cups Samuel XXX 12
2 cups of Numbers XVII 8
2 cups Nahum III 12
2 teaspoons of 1 Samuel XIV 25
Season to taste with 2 Chronicles IX 9
Six Jeremiah XVII 11
1 1/2 cups of Judges IV 19
2 teaspoons of Amos IV 5
A pinch of Leviticus II 13
Directions Proverbs XXIII 24
Bake 1 - 2 hours
It's a slow day and there's no news from the decorating front worth reporting. Oh, and by the way, you might need to drastically reduce the amount of Jeremiah VI 20.
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